
~All photos are property of M Kate Imaging. Please do not use without permission. ~

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Body Image

I'm submitting a few of these photos to an art show about misperceptions of body image.

!!!DISCLAIMER!!!: If you do not appreciate or believe in the art of nude photography, please do not continue to look at these. There ARE nudes (albeit tasteful) in this collection. Thank you.










Unknown said...

molly these are awesome. I really liked a lot of the angles and placements you used, exceptional job, like always!

Andy said...

honest and compelling. There's a certain feel to each piece especially your portrait of with your hands. It screams terrifed and brave at the same time.

I'm so proud of you for pushing yourself and taking risks and literally putting yourself out there and on the line.

You continue to impress me.